HolocaustHistory.net - Holocaust Centre, Beth Shalom
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In Auschwitz and Majdanek, selections of the new arrivals took place when transports arrived. Around 75 per cent went straight to the gas chamber. The others were reprieved from immediate death, and taken for work as slave labourers. Most died from the severe conditions within months.
‘We had to strip the shoes of the deportees with a small sharp tool. When we came across a child’s shoe we were saddened beyond words because we knew what happened to everyone here. But the children... it was beyond thinking of.

Victoria Vincent, Auschwitz survivor, writing in her book ‘Beyond Imagination’.
Arriving from Hungary at Auschwitz-Birkenau. They had been told they were to be resettled.
Children, considered no use for labour, were selected for immediate death.
Transport of Hungarian Jews on the ‘ramp’ at Auschwitz-Birkenau.
IntroductionWhat is the Holocaust?
Jewish Tradition
Hitlers Rise to Power
The Third Reich

Mass Murder
The Final Solution
Concentration Camp
Resisting the Enemy
The Aftermath

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