Little could be done to stop the advance of the German
army or halt the terror campaign. However, there were Jews who took the initiative,
through a number of means, to resist the Nazi intent to destroy them en masse.
Ghetto fighters took on the Nazis in a number of ghettos including Warsaw, Bialystok
and Vilnius. In Warsaw, the Jews held out for several weeks. Partisans based
in Eastern Europe waged a guerrilla war in the forests of Belarus and Lithuania.
Sabotage, strikes and propaganda campaigns were waged underground wherever possible.
Hiding places were created by families, and many people attempted to escape
into the forests.
demonstrate sabotage of a railway line.
Stephen and Olga Dragan hid nine Jews. Right: A Defiant Jewish woman
is rounded up in the Warsaw ghetto.
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Resisting - Courage to care