HolocaustHistory.net - Holocaust Centre, Beth Shalom
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Hitler Youth

Hitler realised how important it was that the next generation be taught National Socialism from an early age. Membership of the Hitler Youth organisations became compulsory in 1936. German youth was educated 'in the spirit of National Socialism'- a mixture of entertainment, sport and propaganda. On the surface it was an enjoyable organisation to be a part of if you were young, energetic and considered racially pure. Jewish young people could not join, as it was a national racist organisation. Its message, behind the enjoyment, was to ensure loyalty to the Führer (Hitler) and a knowledge of National Socialist ideas.

IntroductionWhat is the Holocaust?
Jewish Tradition
Hitlers Rise to Power
The Third Reich

Mass Murder
The Final Solution
Concentration Camp
Resisting the Enemy
The Aftermath

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Third Reich - Hitler Youth